Sample Midterm

Please enter your name."; } if ($_POST['email'] == "") { $errors['email']="Please enter your email."; } } function display_errors() { global $errors; foreach ($errors as $values) { echo $values, "
"; } } // Selecting the assignments function display_assignment() { echo <<\n

When you are ready, you click on your name below to start the midterm. The clock starts ticking. A timestamp will be recorded. When you submit the test, another timestamp will be recorded. This is to make sure that you do the test within 2.5 hours.

HTML; } //Selecting the assignments // Get the data and display the form function display_form() { // files for the questions. the first element is not used. We use index starting with 1 for the array. // 5 files for the midterm: q1 to q5 $theFile = array('a.txt','q1.txt', 'q2.txt', 'q3.txt', 'q4.txt', 'q5.txt'); //echo "index = " .$arr. "
"; //$first = substr($arr, 0, 1); // get the first character of the name which is for the filename index //$name = substr($arr, 1); // get the name of the student //$file = "data/".$theFile[$first]; // location of the file is in the data folder e.g. data/q1.txt $file = "data/q1sample.txt"; // location of the file is in the data folder e.g. data/q1.txt //echo $file; if ($_POST[timestamp] == "") { $today = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); } else { $today = $_POST[timestamp]; } echo "

You started: "; echo $today; $now = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); echo "
Now: "; echo $now; echo "

"; echo << HTML; // counter for the question $Qcounter = 0; // open the file for reading if ($fh = fopen("$file", 'rb')) { // loop through the file by reading 1000 bytes or one line // whichever comes first with each iteration. // The data being read is broken into an array // using the | to indicate the separate elements. while ($line = fgetcsv($fh, 1000, "|")) { $count = count($line); // get the size of the array $Qcounter++; // increment counter for the question $theName = 'Q'.$Qcounter; // name for the menu $size = $count-1; // size for the menu echo "
Question $Qcounter"; // display the question echo "$line[0]

"; // display the menu echo ""; echo "
"; } // close the file fclose($fh); } echo "

"; echo <<

HTML; } // end display the form // Process Form to display the answers selected by the user function process_form() { // files for the answers. The first element is not used. We use index starting with 1 for the array. // 5 files for the midterm: m1 to m5 $theAns = array('r.txt','m1.txt', 'm2.txt', 'm3.txt', 'm4.txt', 'm5.txt'); $ans = "data/m1sample.txt"; // location of the answer file in data folder, e.g. m1.txt $userAnswer = array(); // store the user answers $userAnswer[0] = 0; // get the answers by the users with names of the menus beginning with Q like Q1, Q2, etc. $i = 0; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $i++; // start the index with 1 $question = substr($key, 0, 1); // get the first character of the name if ($question == 'Q') { $userAnswer[$i] = $value; // store the answer selected by the user } else { $i = 0; } } // get the answers from the file and store them in $line // open the file for reading if ($fh = fopen("$ans", 'rb')) { // loop through the file by reading 1000 bytes or one line // whichever comes first with each iteration. // The data being read is broken into an array // using the | to indicate the separate elements. $line = fgetcsv($fh, 1000, "|"); } // close the file fclose($fh); // check the results $wrong = 0; // number of mistakes $results = array(); // store the user's answers and correct // loop through the two arrays to compare the user answers against the correct answers for ($key = 1, $size = count($userAnswer); $key < $size; $key++) { if ($userAnswer[$key] != $line[$key]) { $wrong++; $results[$key] = $line[$key]; } else { $results[$key] = "correct"; } } $total = 30; // there are 30 questions $point = $total - $wrong; echo "

You started: "; echo $_POST[timestamp]; $now = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); echo "
Now: "; echo $now; echo "

"; echo <<

Sample Midterm Results

EOF; if ($wrong > 0) { echo "

Good effort $_POST[name]
You made $wrong mistakes.
There are $total questions. Each question is worth 1 point.
You earned $point points.

"; } else { echo "

Good job $_POST[name]
You made $wrong mistake.
There are $total questions. Each question is worth 1 point.
You earned $point points.

"; } echo "

Here are your answers:

"; echo ""; for ($key = 1, $size = count($userAnswer); $key < $size; $key++) { echo ""; // echo ""; echo ""; } echo <<

If you are not satisfied with the results, you can try again until you are ready. So here.

EOF; // send the user answers and the corrected results for emailing for ($key = 1, $size = count($results); $key <= $size; $key++) { $question = "Q" . $key; // $answer = "R" . $key; echo ""; // echo ""; } echo ""; } // end Process Form // Email the results function email_results($arr) { $today = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); // files for the answers. The first element is not used. We use index starting with 1 for the array. // 5 files for the midterm: m1 to m5 $theAns = array('r.txt','m1.txt', 'm2.txt', 'm3.txt', 'm4.txt', 'm5.txt'); $first = substr($arr, 0, 1); // get the first character of the name which is for the filename index $ans = "data/".$theAns[$first]; // location of the answer file in data folder, e.g. m1.txt $userAnswer = array(); // store the user answers $userAnswer[0] = 0; // get the answers by the users with names of the menus beginning with Q like Q1, Q2, etc. $i = 0; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $i++; // start the index with 1 $question = substr($key, 0, 1); // get the first character of the name if ($question == 'Q') { $userAnswer[$i] = $value; // store the answer selected by the user } else { $i = 0; } } // get the answers from the file and store them in $line // open the file for reading if ($fh = fopen("$ans", 'rb')) { // loop through the file by reading 1000 bytes or one line // whichever comes first with each iteration. // The data being read is broken into an array // using the | to indicate the separate elements. $line = fgetcsv($fh, 1000, "|"); } // close the file fclose($fh); $total = $_POST[point]+$_POST[wrong]; $tome =''; $fromme = ''; $subject = $_POST[name] . " Midterm " . $_POST[point] . " pts " . $_POST[timestamp] . " " . $today; $to ="{$_POST[email]}\r\n"; $from = "From:{$_POST['email']}\r\n"; $subject2 = "Thanks " . $_POST[name] . " for Midterm "; $textmsg = "Started: $_POST[timestamp] and finished: $today\n"; $textmsg .= "name: $_POST[name]\n"; $textmsg .= "# of mistakes: $_POST[wrong]\n"; $textmsg .= "points earned: $_POST[point]\n\n"; $textmsg .= "Remote Address: $_POST[remoteaddr]\n"; $textmsg .= "Remote Host: $_POST[remotehost]\n"; $textmsg .= "Remote User: $_POST[remoteuser]\n\n"; $textmsg .= "Here are the results (question#=>user answer=>correct answer):\n\n"; // get the results from the arrays that store the user's answers and the correct answers for ($key = 1, $size = count($line); $key < $size; $key++) { $textmsg .= "$key =>\n"; $textmsg .= " user => $userAnswer[$key]\n"; // store the answer selected by the user $textmsg .= " answer => $line[$key]\n"; // store the correct answer } $textmsg = wordwrap($textmsg, 80); // Send email to me mail($tome, $subject, $textmsg, $from); $message = "Started: $_POST[timestamp] and finished: $today\n\n"; $message .= "Thank you $_POST[name] for submitting your results.\n"; $message .= "You made $_POST[wrong] mistake(s). Each question is worth 1 point.\n"; $message .= "There are $total questions. So you earn $_POST[point] points.\n\n"; $message .= "Here are your answers:\n\n"; // get the answers by the users with names of the menus beginning with Q like Q1, Q2, etc. $i = 0; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $i++; // start the index with 1 $question = substr($key, 0, 1); // get the first character of the name if ($question == 'Q') { $message .= "$i =>$value\n"; // store the answer selected by the user } elseif ($question == 'R') { $i--; // decrease the counter as each counter has 2 answers } else { $i = 0; } } $message = wordwrap($message, 80); // Send email to the user mail($to, $subject2, $message, $fromme); /* if (mail('', $subject2, $message, $fromme)) { echo 'mail() Success!' . "
\n"; } else { echo 'mail() Failure!' . "
\n"; } */ // Display a thank you note echo "

"; echo "Started: $_POST[timestamp] and finished: $today"; echo "

"; echo <<Midterm Test Results

Thank you $_POST[name] for submitting your results.

You made $_POST[wrong] mistake(s). Each question is worth 1 point. There are $total questions. So you earn $_POST[point] points.

Have a good day.

EOF; } // end Email the results ?>
"; echo "$key"; echo ""; echo "$userAnswer[$key]"; echo ""; // echo "$results[$key]"; // echo "