CIS 41A Unit A - First Week Setup and Exercise A

Setup and Familization

Listen to the USMC Liberty Bell and then the introduction to series 2 opening title.
Answer role.
Set up CIS accounts - DO NOT USE YOUR STUDENT ID AS YOUR CIS ACCOUNT LOGIN NAME - your CIS account name is not secured.
Add students.
Look at schedule.
Look at reading assignments.
Look at Exercises.
Look at Problems
Look in Canvas at the CodeLab access code for this class.
Set up CodeLab - USE YOUR NAME, AS REGISTERED - it will be used by the instructor to save your CodeLab grades.

Exercise A

At the top of your script, put the following multi-line comment with your information:

Your name as registered, with optional nickname in parentheses
CIS 41A   Fall 2021
Unit A, Exercise A

In this exercise, you will write some simple code.
Look at lab instructions and use the Wing Interactive Develoment Environment.
1) Create rectangle height and width variables and initialize them with the values 2.9 and 7.1 respectively.
2) Calculate the area of the rectangle and save it in an area variable.
3) Print the height, width, and area of the rectangle as shown below.
Note: Use the sample code shown below to print - we will learn more about printing in the next Unit.
print("Height:", height)
4) Use floor division to modify the values in the height and width variables by dividing them by 2.
Note: floor division is the prefered name in Python. Elsewhere it is commonly called integer division.
5) Print the data for this smaller rectangle.
Did you get the answers you expected?

Example output:

height: x.x
width:  x.x
area:   x.x
height: x.x
width:  x.x
area:   x.x

Add the following at the end of the script to show your results:

Execution results:
paste execution results here

Submit your finished py script in Canvas, Exercise A.