CIS 41A Unit D, Problem D

This assignment consists of one script with five parts.

At the top of each of your scripts, put the following multi-line comment with your information:

Your name as registered, with optional nickname in parentheses
CIS 41A   Fall 2021
Unit D, Problem D

All print output should include descriptions as shown in the example output below.

Part One - List Comprehension

Using a list comprehension, generate a list of the first 10 Triangle numbers. If you've never learned about Triangle numbers, this site has everything you need to know. As detailed on the website, the formula to calculate the nth term in the sequence is n*(n+1)/2.

Part Two - Sets

  1. Create a set named class1 and populate it with the students Li, Audry, Jia, Migel, Tanya.
  2. Create a set named class2 and populate it with the students Sasha, Migel, Tanya, Hiroto, Audry.
  3. Create a set named class3 and populate it with the students Migel, Zhang, Hiroto, Anita, Jia.
  4. Using set operators or set methods, generate a set of students who are in all three classes. Print a sorted list of these students.
  5. Using set operators or set methods, generate a set of all students. Print a sorted list of these students.
  6. Using set operators or set methods, generate a set of students in class1 but not class2 or class3. Print a sorted list of these students.
  7. Using a set comprehension, generate a set of all students who are in class2 but not in class1. Print a sorted list of these students.

Part Three – Tuple Basics

For Parts Three, Four and Five, you will be working with data about the movie Casablanca.

  1. Create a tuple that contains the elements Casablanca, 1942, romantic drama.
  2. Unpack the tuple into variables title, year, genre.
  3. Print the genre.

Part Four – Named Tuple

  1. Define a named tuple called Movie that contains the fields title, year, genre.
  2. Create a Movie tuple that contains the elements Casablanca, 1942, romantic drama.
  3. Print the title.

Part Five – Named Tuple Containing a List

  1. Define a named tuple called Moviestars that contains the fields title, year, genre, stars.
  2. Create a Moviestars tuple called favoritemovie that contains the elements Casablanca, 1942, romantic drama, and a list containing elements Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman.
  3. Append Claude Rains to the stars list. Hint: Use the syntax favoritemovie.stars.append
  4. Print star Ingrid Bergman.
  5. Print favoritemovie.
  6. Note that, even though a tuple is immutable, we are able to change a list that is contained by a tuple.

Example output:

First 10 Triangle numbers:
[1.0, 3.0, 6.0, 10.0, 15.0, 21.0, 28.0, 36.0, 45.0, 55.0]
Students in all three classes: ['Migel']
All students: ['Anita', 'Audry', 'Hiroto', 'Jia', 'Li', 'Migel', 'Sasha', 'Tanya', 'Zhang']
Students in class1 but not class2 or class3: ['Li']
Students in class2 but not class1 ['Hiroto', 'Sasha']
The genre of my favorite movie is: romantic drama
My favorite movie is: Casablanca
My favorite star is: Ingrid Bergman
Moviestars(title='Casablanca', year=1942, genre='romantic drama', stars=['Humphrey Bogart', 'Ingrid Bergman', 'Claude Rains'])

Add the following at the end of the script to show your results:

Execution results:
paste execution results here

Submit your finished py script in Canvas, Problem D.