Unit A Reading assignment




string comments

floor division


Chapter 1 A Taste of Py



Little Programs


A Bigger Program


Python in the Real World


Python versus the Language from Planet X

Note that Python is a dynamic language, interpreted at execution time

Why Python?


Why Not Python


Python 2 versus Python 3

We will use Python 3
Be careful of stuff you find on-line; some of it is old Python 2

Installing Python

APPENDIX B tells how to install Python on your own machine.
Just Python is good for CIS 41A.
Optionally you may install Anaconda, which includes Python and more Python stuff. It is good for both CIS 41A and CIS 41B.

Running Python

We will use the Wing Interactive Development Enviroment (IDE)
Running Wing:
Look at the link to Lab Instructions from the CIS 41A main page.

Using the Interactive interpreter

skip this this section; we will use Wing instead.

Use Python Files

skip this this section; we will use Wing instead.

What's Next


Your Moment of Zen

This is interesting.

Things to Do

skip; we will have our own exercises and assignments.

Chapter 19 Be a Pythonista

skip sections not listed here

About Programming


Find Python Code

read the first three paragraphs.

Name and Document

read the first paragraph or two.

read the bullet: "Python doesn't have constants, ..."

Testing Your Code

Do not read this; it is too advanced. However, it is important to test your code well.

omit all other sections

Appendix B - Install Python 3

Install Check Your Python Version

optional, only needed if not using your system or De Anza system

Install Standard Python

read if you need to install Python

Install Anaconda

optional, not used in CIS 41A but used in CIS41B

Other sections


Chapter 2 Data: Types, Values, Variables, and Names

This chapter is very important. You must learn how to think in Python.

All sections in this chapter are important.

Python Data Are Objects

link to notes on variables and data

link to Real Python discussion



Literal Values

How is the type of literal values determined?
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck.
Python decides: 4 is type int, 3.45 is type float, "hello" is type str.



A way to think about assignment is:
The name on the left is set to refer to the data object on the right.

Variables are Names, Not Places

This is very important.
This section is the key to understanding how Python works.

Assigning to Multiple Names

Reassigning a Name


Choose Good Variable Names

Coming Up

Things to Do

skip; we will have our own exercises and assignments.

Chapter 3 Numbers

read all sections



Literal Integers

Integer Operations

Integers and Variables



Type Conversions

How Big Is an int?


Math Functions

Comming Up

Things to Do

skip; we will have our own exercises and assignments.

Chapter 22 Py Sci

Math and Statistics inthe Standard Library

Math Functions

Omit the rest of this chapter.