String character methods

length property
character at position 1
char code at position 10
first index of  p
last index of  p
String of characters 104, 105, 112

A copy of the JavaScript functions:

// sample-2-character.js
// This sample shows String character methods

function display()
  var output1 = document.getElementById("output1");
  var output2 = document.getElementById("output2");
  var output3 = document.getElementById("output3");
  var output4 = document.getElementById("output4");
  var output5 = document.getElementById("output5");
  var output6 = document.getElementById("output6");
  var output7 = document.getElementById("output7");

  // String object
  my_string_object = new String("hippopotomas");

  output1.value = my_string_object;
  output2.value = my_string_object.length;
  output3.value = my_string_object.charAt(1);
  output4.value = my_string_object.charCodeAt(10);
  output5.value = my_string_object.indexOf("p");
  output6.value = my_string_object.lastIndexOf("p");

  // Note that fromCharCode is a static method.
  // It works with the String object,
  // not with my string object.
  output7.value = String.fromCharCode(104, 105, 112);
