CIS 22B - Notes for Tuesday, 12/1

Announcements and Reminders

  • Assignment 10 is due NOW
  • Online time tomorrow night 7 pm
  • Final is next Tuesday, 1:45-3:45 pm



Polymorphism is implemented when you have (a) derived class(es) containing a member function with the same signature as a base class.  A function invoked through a pointer to the base class, will execute the correct implementation regardless of whether the pointer is pointing at a base class object or a derived class object.  Functions that behave in this way are called virtual functions.  The determination of which function to call is not known at compile-time, so the correct function is selected during execution.  This process is called late binding, or dynamic binding.  The usual call of a function through an object, is known to the compiler, hence, early binding or static binding.



Non-virtual functions

Virtual functions and polymorphism

More virtual functions

Still more virtual functions

Why write a virtual destructor?

Example 1

Example 2

How does polymorphism work?

And what is meant by dynamic binding (or late binding) and static binding?

Non-Virtual, Virtual, and Pure Virtual Functions


  • This is the default type of class member function.  The keyword virtual does not appear in the function prototype.
  • Non-virtual functions, as a rule, are not usually overridden in the derived class.


  • The keyword virtual appears at the beginning of the function prototype in the base class.  It doesn’t have to be used in derived class function prototypes, but it’s not a bad idea to use it.
  • Virtual functions, as a rule, are usually overridden in the derived class.
  • Virtual functions make polymorphism possible.

Pure Virtual 

  • The keyword virtual appears at the beginning and = 0 at the end of the function prototype in the base class.  The = 0 is not repeated in derived classes unless that class is intended to serve as a base class for other descendent classes. 
  • Pure virtual functions must be overridden in the derived class, unless, that class is also a base class for other classes.
  • Pure virtual functions are not defined in the class in which they are declared as pure virtual.
  • The presence of a pure virtual function in a class makes it an abstract class Abstract classes may not be instantiated.
Example - Abstract Classes and Pure Virtual Functions

Example - Abstract Class and Polymorphism

Lab Exercise #11

Put your name, the compiler and operating system used, and Lab Exercise 11 in a comment at the top of your program. Email your source code. 

Complete the following program:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Animal
    string type;
    string name;
    Animal(const string& typ, const string& nam);
    virtual void whoAmI() const;
    virtual string sound() const = 0;

class Pig : public Animal
// do not override the whoAmI function
// add other functions

class Cow : public Animal
// override the whoAmI function
// add other functions

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Animal& object)

int main()
    Cow spot("cow","Bossy");
    Pig socks("pig","Porky");
    Animal* ptr = &spot;
    cout << *ptr << endl;
    ptr = &socks;
    cout << *ptr << endl;


I am a milk cow and you may call me Bossy
I make the sound, "Moo!"
I am a pig and my name is Porky
I make the sound, "Oink!"