Assignment 2 - Maintaining a Highest Scores List

due Tuesday, 1/26   1:30 pm

The purpose of this assignment is to maintain a list of 10 highest scores for some game.  The assignment requires building and using two libraries and reading and writing a binary file.  The program will make use of an input file containing game scores.

Program Requirements

The Date Library

The Date library should contain a Date class.  The Date class should contain a time_t data member to store the date.
The Date class should contain

The Score library

The Score library should contain a Score class and an overloaded insertion operator to display Score objects.
The Score class should contain

The Input File - Get it here

It looks like this - there are about 20 records in the file

Wilma Flintstone    02/28/2020  16
Fred Flintstone     29Feb16     57
Lady Gaga           08Aug15     34
Donald J Trump                  42
Cool Hand Luke      06Aug14     59
Harry S Truman      10/19/16    52
Fred Flintstone     02/28/2020  50
Wilma Flintstone    28Feb20     10
Obama                           30
Clyde               09/11/17    98

The binary file

The Scores data must be stored in a binary file in sorted order.
A maximum of 10 highest scores will be stored in the binary file.
The binary file should be read in before each record in the input file is processed.
The binary file should be written each time a new score is inserted into the list of highest scores.

A sample main

int main()
    Score scores[MaxNumberOfScores];

    ifstream fin(InputFile);
    if (!fin)
        cerr << "Unable to open input file " << InputFile << endl;

    Score newScore;
    unsigned numScores;            // number of scores to be processed
    bool updateScores = false;     // flag to indicate a change in the scores array
    eraseScoresFile(ScoresFile);   // remove existing binary scores file

    while (processInputFile(fin, newScore))  // read a record from input file
        // read binary Scores file
        numScores = getScoresFromFile(ScoresFile, scores);

        if (numScores < MaxNumberOfScores)    // Less than 10 Scores
            scores[numScores++] = newScore;
            updateScores = true;
        else if (scores[numScores - 1] < newScore)   // newScore > lowest of Top Scores
            scores[numScores - 1] = newScore;        // add newScore to Top Scores
            updateScores = true;
        else updateScores = false;                   // no change to scores array

        if (updateScores)
            sort(scores, numScores);                 // sort Scores

            for (auto i = 0U; i < numScores; ++i)
                cout << left << setw(3) << i+1 << scores[i] << endl;
            cout << "----------------------------------\n";

            // Write binary Scores file
            writeScoresToFile(ScoresFile, scores, numScores);

Program Output

1  Wilma Flintstone   16  02/28/2020
1  Fred Flintstone    57  02/29/2016
2  Wilma Flintstone   16  02/28/2020
1  Fred Flintstone    57  02/29/2016
2  Lady Gaga          34  08/08/2015
3  Wilma Flintstone   16  02/28/2020
1  Fred Flintstone    57  02/29/2016
2  Donald J Trump     42  12/19/2020
3  Lady Gaga          34  08/08/2015
4  Wilma Flintstone   16  02/28/2020
1  Cool Hand Luke     59  08/06/2014
2  Fred Flintstone    57  02/29/2016
3  Donald J Trump     42  12/19/2020
4  Lady Gaga          34  08/08/2015
5  Wilma Flintstone   16  02/28/2020
1  Cool Hand Luke     59  08/06/2014
2  Fred Flintstone    57  02/29/2016
3  Harry S Truman     52  10/19/2016
4  Donald J Trump     42  12/19/2020
5  Lady Gaga          34  08/08/2015
6  Wilma Flintstone   16  02/28/2020
1  Cool Hand Luke     59  08/06/2014
2  Fred Flintstone    57  02/29/2016
3  Harry S Truman     52  10/19/2016
4  Fred Flintstone    50  02/28/2020
5  Donald J Trump     42  12/19/2020
6  Lady Gaga          34  08/08/2015
7  Wilma Flintstone   16  02/28/2020
1  Cool Hand Luke     59  08/06/2014
2  Fred Flintstone    57  02/29/2016
3  Harry S Truman     52  10/19/2016
4  Fred Flintstone    50  02/28/2020
5  Donald J Trump     42  12/19/2020
6  Lady Gaga          34  08/08/2015


1  Clyde              98  09/11/2017

2  Bonnie             96  04/25/2019
3  Donald J Trump     67  05/11/2013
4  Cool Hand Luke     59  08/06/2014
5  Fred Flintstone    57  02/29/2016
6  Fred Flintstone    55  02/28/2016
7  Harry S Truman     52  10/19/2016
8  Fred Flintstone    50  02/28/2020
9  Fred Flintstone    50  02/29/2020
10 Bonnie             50  09/15/2013
1  Clyde              98  09/11/2017
2  Bonnie             96  04/25/2019
3  Bonnie             77  05/08/2013
4  Donald J Trump     67  05/11/2013
5  Cool Hand Luke     59  08/06/2014
6  Fred Flintstone    57  02/29/2016
7  Fred Flintstone    55  02/28/2016
8  Harry S Truman     52  10/19/2016
9  Fred Flintstone    50  02/28/2020
10 Fred Flintstone    50  02/29/2020
1  Clyde              98  09/11/2017
2  Bonnie             96  04/25/2019
3  Bonnie             77  05/08/2013
4  Donald J Trump     67  05/11/2013
5  Cool Hand Luke     59  08/06/2014
6  Fred Flintstone    57  02/29/2016
7  Fred Flintstone    55  02/28/2016
8  Harry S Truman     52  10/19/2016
9  Lady Gaga          52  08/09/2019
10 Fred Flintstone    50  02/28/2020
1  Clyde              98  09/11/2017
2  Bonnie             96  04/25/2019
3  Bonnie             77  05/08/2013
4  Shirley Temple     69  10/18/2018
5  Donald J Trump     67  05/11/2013
6  Cool Hand Luke     59  08/06/2014
7  Fred Flintstone    57  02/29/2016
8  Fred Flintstone    55  02/28/2016
9  Harry S Truman     52  10/19/2016
10 Lady Gaga          52  08/09/2019
1  Clyde              98  09/11/2017
2  Bonnie             96  04/25/2019
3  Bonnie             77  05/08/2013
4  Shirley Temple     69  10/18/2018
5  Donald J Trump     67  05/11/2013
6  R2D2               64  12/19/2020
7  Cool Hand Luke     59  08/06/2014
8  Fred Flintstone    57  02/29/2016
9  Fred Flintstone    55  02/28/2016
10 Harry S Truman     52  10/19/2016

Do not submit your assignment code for grading ...

Instead of emailing all of your source for building and testing by the instructor, submit the following as proof of your successful completion:
  1. All of your source's files and header files for the libraries and the application.  Places all source files and header file in one compressed (zipped) folder.  Do not include project files, object files, library archives or executables.
  2. The binary file of the assignment results.
  3. A screen image showing the assignment application build, including compilation and linking options.  Here is a sample using Code::Blocks.

This excerpt is from an earlier email clarification sent to a student:

In my solution, I used 3 functions to communicate with the binary file:

    * eraseScoresFile - erases an existing binary scores file.  This is called only one time.
    * getScoresFromFile - reads (all) scores data from the binary file
    * writeScoresToFile - writes (all) scores data back into the binary file

In the "processing loop" (which is meant to simulate game playing history), the binary file is first read and processed (even if empty) and then one new score is read (from the "input file") and it may (usually) get added to the high scores data.  Then the high scores data is written back out to the binary file.  All of this happens each time in the "processing" loop.  It is not efficient, because of all the file I/O, but it works well & solves the problem.
You are not required to follow my approach, nor use my main.  But you are required to accomplished the transactions that I described and produce the output shown.