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CIS 67A Local Area Networks

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Assignment One

Layered Protocols

Practice Set Instructions:

All questions and excercises for this assignment are found in Forouzan.

Practice Set questions are multiple-choice. You are to answer the questions as follows:
Question Number letter answer and answer

For Example:
3. c. ISO

If the answer is "any/all of the above" then you would answer:
3. f. any of the above ISO, OSI, JPEG, ANSI, ASCII

For Exercises you need to put the question number, each of the subquestions and its answer.

For Example: 39. What layer handles froboz? Network


1. Answer ALL the Practice set questions in Chapter One pages 11-12

2. Answer ANY THREE of the Exercises on p.13

3. Answer ALL the Practice Set questions in Chapter One pages 31-35

4. Answer ALL the Exercises on pp, 34-35

Please be sure to check the general guidelines for submitting your project.

For information on how to submit your assignment see submission instructions

Must be emailed BEFORE class on Wednesday 23 JAN