CIS 35A: Introduction to Java Programming

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  • Given the specifications for an application that uses any of the eight primitive data types presented in this chapter, write the application.
  • Use the NumberFormat, Math, Integer, Double, and BigDecimal classes to work with data.
  • Given the Java code for an application that uses any of the language elements presented in this chapter, explain what each statement in the application does.


  • Describe any one of the eight primitive types.
  • Distinguish between a variable and a constant.
  • Given a list of names, identify the ones that follow the naming recommendations for constants presented in this chapter.
  • Explain the difference between a binary operator and a unary operator and give an example of each.
  • Explain the difference between prefixing and postfixing an increment or decrement operator.
  • Explain what a shortcut assignment operator is and how you use one in an assignment statement.
  • List the order of precedence for arithmetic operations and explain how you can change the order in which operations are performed.
  • Explain what casting is, when it's performed implicitly, and when you must perform it explicitly.
  • Describe how casting between int and double types can affect the decimal value in a result.
  • Describe the primary uses of these classes: NumberFormat, Math, Integer, and Double.
  • List two reasons for using the BigDecimal class.
Basic skills | Working with data types | Formatted Application | Decimal data