CIS 35A: Introduction to Java Programming

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  • Add two or more classes to a package and make the classes in that package available to other classes.
  • Add javadoc comments to the classes in one or more packages and generate the documentation for those packages.
  • Use your web browser to view the documentation you added to a package.
  • Code more than one class per file. When necessary, use nested classes.
  • Declare and use an enumeration.
  • Enhance an enumeration by adding methods that override the methods of the Java and Enum classes. Use methods of the enumeration constants when necessary.
  • Use a static import to import the constants of an enumeration or the static fields and methods of a class.


  • List three reasons that you might store classes in a package.
  • Describe the general procedure for creating a directory structure for a package.
  • Explain why you might add javadoc comments to the packages you create.
  • Explain the purpose of using HTML and javadoc tags within a javadoc comment.
  • Explain when you might code two or more classes in the same file and describe the advantage and disadvantage of doing that.
  • Describe the difference between an inner class and a static inner class in terms of how they're related to the outer class.
  • Explain what a local class is.
  • Explain what an enumeration is and how you use one.
  • Explain what static imports are and how you use them.
Packages | javadoc | Related classes | Enumerations