CIS 35A: Introduction to Java Programming

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  • Use the Thread class or the Runnable interface to create a thread.
  • Use the methods of the Thread class to control when the processor executes a thread.
  • Use the interrupt method and the InterruptedException class to create a thread that can be interrupted.
  • Use the synchronized keyword to create synchronous threads.
  • Use the wait and notifyAll methods of the Object class to coordinate the execution of two interdependent threads.


  • Explain the basic difference between a program that runs in a single thread and a program that runs under multiple threads.
  • Name three common reasons for using threads in a Java application.
  • List the three Java API classes or interfaces that have methods related to threading.
  • Explain the advantage of creating a thread by extending the Runnable interface rather than by inheriting the Thread class.
  • List the five states of a thread, and describe the status of a thread in each state.
  • Explain the difference between the sleep and yield methods.
  • Explain why methods that can be executed concurrently by multiple threads need to be synchronized.
  • Describe the producer/consumer pattern used for concurrency control.
Introduction | Create threads | Manipulate threads | Synchronize threads | Application