- Given a class that extends JPanel and includes one or more components that generate events, modify the class so that it implements the appropriate listener interface to respond to those events.
- Given a class that extends JPanel and includes one or more components that generate events, create a separate class to handle those events, and modify the panel class so that it adds the event class as a listener for each event source.
- Given a class that extends JPanel and includes one or more components that generate events, add an inner class to handle the events.
- Given a class that extends JPanel and includes one or more components that generate events, add anonymous inner classes to handle the events.
- Given a class that extends JPanel and includes one or more components that generate events, add event listeners to handle keyboard and focus events.
- Write statements that display message dialogs using the JOptionPane class.
- Given a class that extends JPanel and includes one or more text field components, add data validation to the event listeners for the panel.
- Given the requirements for an application that uses the event handling and data validation techniques presented in this chapter, write the code to implement the application.
- Distinguish among an event, an event source, and an event listener.
- Explain the difference between semantic events and low-level events.
- List four options for structuring the classes that implement the listener interface for an event.
- List two options for structuring the classes to handle multiple event sources for a particular event.
- Explain the difference between an inner class and an anonymous inner class.
- Describe at least two situations in which you would want to listen to low-level events.
- Explain the benefit of using adapter classes rather than implementing listener interfaces.