Text and Binary Files
- Write code that uses the File class to get information about a file or directory.
- Write code that reads and writes data to a text file using buffered readers and writers.
- Use the string handling features that were presented in chapter 12 to process text read from a delimited text file.
- Write code that reads and writes data to a binary file using primitive data types and fixed-length strings.
- Write code that reads and writes random-access files.
- Given the specifications for an application that stores its data in a text or binary file, implement the program using the file handling features presented in this chapter.
- Explain the differences between a text file and a binary file.
- Explain the concept of layering and how it is used to create filtered streams that can read or write files.
- Explain how a buffer for an output stream works and how it improves the performance of an I/O operation.
- Name and describe the three common types of I/O exceptions.
- Describe the functions provided by the BufferedWriter, PrintWriter, and FileWriter classes when reading data from a text file.
- Describe the functions provided by the BufferedReader and FileReader classes when writing to text files.
- Describe the functions provided by the DataOutputStream BufferedOutputStream, and FileOutputStream classes when writing data to a binary file.
- Describe the functions provided by the DataInputStream, BufferedInputStream, and FileInputStream classes when reading data from a binary file.
- List two ways that strings can be stored in a binary file and describe the difference between the techniques.
- Explain the differences in the use of random-access and sequential-access files.