CIS 18B Advanced UNIX / LINUX

Green sheet

Winter 2010

CIS -018B-01 3:20 PM - 5:50 PM TTh Room: AT 205

call number 2891

Instructor: Dr. Ira Oldham phone (408) 864-8562 e-mail

Ask questions in class, during the time we are in the laboratory, or during my office hour.

Office hours 4:50 PM - 5:40 MW, 8:40 PM - 9:30 TTh (F none) Office room F51K (sometimes AT205)

Description from the catalog:

Coverage of regular expressions, grep, sed, and awk utilities.

This is a second course in UNIX / LINUX. You need to know how to use the common command line commands.


CIS 18A Introduction to UNIX / LINUX

One of the following choices:

CIS 14A Visual Basic .NET Programming I

CIS 15AG Introduction to Computer Programming Using C

Advisory preparation:

One of the following choices:

English Writing 211 and Reading 211 OR

Language Arts 211 Integrated Reading and Writing OR

English as a Second Language 272 and 273

You should have a UNIX book that covers regular expressions, grep, sed, and awk.

The recommended text book:

UNIX and Shell Programming: A Textbook,

by Richard F. Gilberg and Behrouz A. Forouzan

Brooks/Cole Thompson Learning 2007, ISBN 10: 0-534-95159-7, ISBN 13: 978-0-534-95159-7

A reference book:

LINUX in a Nutshell, a Desktop Quick Reference, 6th Edition,

by Ellen Siever, Stephen Figgins, Robert Love, and Arnold Robbins

O'Reilly Media 2000, ISBN 978-0-596-15448-6

Work required (nominal hours):

4 1/2 units X 3 hours per week = 13 1/2 hours per week, consisting of:

4 hours per week class lecture attendance

1 1/2 hours per week laboratory work

8 hours per week assignments, reading and review.

Regular work, being ready for each class, is needed by most students, in order to pass.


Assignments and exercises 40%

Examinations 60%

Final examination counts 1.5 times as much as a one hour examination.

Short quizzes will be assigned an examination weight proportional to their size.

Grade average required:

A+ 98 through 100

A 92 through 97

A- 90 or 91

B+ 88 or 89

B 82 through 87

B- 80 or 81

C+ 78 or 79

C 70 through 77

C- is not permitted

D+ 68 or 69

D 62 through 67

D- 60 or 61

F+ is not permitted

F 59 or less

F- is not permitted

Late work is accepted. Work is due at the beginning of the class.

After 10 minutes from the beginning of the class meeting, work is marked down 5%. An additional 5% is marked down 10 minutes after the beginning of each additional class meeting the work is late.

If you are ill, discuss possible reduction of the markdown.

If you completed and printed the work on time, but are late due to work or commute problems, discuss possible reduction of the markdown.

Do your own work:

During a quiz or examination do not look at anyone else's work.

Laboratory work must be your own work to the following extent:

1) Do not copy anyone else's machine readable file.

1a) Do not lend your machine readable file to anyone.

2) Do not key anyone else's listing into the machine.

2a) Do not let anyone carry your listing away with them.


4) As long as you are not copying other's work, discussion and

exchange of ideas is strongly encouraged.

5) Be cooperative; give and receive suggestions.

Academic Integrity is required. Violation of any of the above requirements, or any other academic integrity violation, will usually result in a grade of 0 being given for the work involved or a grade of F being given for the course.

Academic Integrity is discussed in the De Anza College Schedule of Classes and Catalog.

No smoking, eating, or drinking in laboratories and classrooms. No disrupting class; turn cell phones off. Only CIS work is permitted in the CIS Laboratory. Other school policies are discussed in the De Anza Class Schedule, the Catalog, and the CIS Laboratory policies handout.

Administrative actions:

These are your responsibility. You must meet any deadlines specified in the Schedule of Classes.

If you add the course, have me give you an add code, and submit it to the administration.

If you want a credit/no credit grade, you must file the form in administration.

If you are unable to complete the class, it is your responsibility to complete the drop processing.

If you stop attending class, miss an examination, or are more than one week late in your assignments, I will probably drop you, but might not.

Notify me if you miss more than one class meeting in a week, or are more than one week late in assignments. You must attend, or be excused from the first two class meetings.

Contact me as soon as possible, if you must miss a scheduled examination.

You may speak with me confidentially during my office hour, or by appointment.

Disability accommodations:

Students with physical or psychological disabilities should contact Disability Support Services,

Student and Community Services building, room 141, (408) 864-8753

Students with learning disabilities should contact Educational Diagnostic Center

Learning Center West building, room 110, (408) 864-8838

You the student, these support groups, and I the instructor can work together
to meet reasonable requests for accommodations.