cis41a Exercise C

CIS 41A Unit C, Exercise C

Write a single script

At the top of your script, put the following multi-line comment with your information:

Your name as registered, with optional nickname in parentheses
CIS 41A   Fall 2021
Unit C, Exercise C

All print output should include descriptions as shown in the example output below.

List Script

  1. Create a list called list1 that has elements 2, 4.1, 'hello'.
  2. Copy list1 to list2 so that list2 is a shallow copy of list1 (not an alias).
  3. Copy list1 to list3 so that list3 is a new list (true deep copy).
  4. Using ==, compare list1 to list2, list1 to list3, and list2 to list3.
  5. Using is, compare list1 to list2, list1 to list3, and list2 to list3.
  6. Print the ids of list 1, list2, and list3.
  7. Append a new element with value 8 to list1.
  8. After the first element of list2, insert an element 'goodbye'.
  9. Remove the first element from list3.
  10. Print each of the three lists. Do the results match what you expected?

Example output:

list1 == list2: ...
list1 == list3: ...
list2 == list3: ...
list1 is list2: ...
list1 is list3: ...
list2 is list3: ...
list1 ID: ...
list2 ID: ...
list3 ID: ...
list1 printed: ...
list2 printed: ...
list3 printed: ...

Add the following at the end of the script to show your results:

Execution results:
paste execution results here

Submit your finished py script in Canvas, Exercise C.