CIS 41A Unit J, Exercise J

This assignment consists of one text file.

At the top of your file, put the following multi-line comment with your information:

Your name as registered, with optional nickname in parentheses
CIS 41A   Fall 2021
Unit J, Exercise J

In this exercise we will be working with regular expressions that can be used to match something in a string.
In the subsequent Problem J, we will write Python code that uses regular expressions in functions imported from the re module .

  1. Write Regular Expressions that match:

    1. zero or more A
    2. one or more A
    3. zero or one A
    4. two or three A
  2. What do these Regular Expressions match?

    1. AB{3}
    2. (AB){3}
  3. Given the following regular expression: [^A-G] which of the following strings contain a match for this regular expression

    1. A
    2. AB
    3. ADBC
    4. D
  4. Write a regular expression that matches a string containing exactly three characters.

Submit your finished text file in Canvas, Exercise J.