Setup a windows account at school

Create a windows account

All CIS students can use the CIS lab at De Anza. The CIS Lab is in room AT 203 in the Advanced Technology Center building. It is on the main floor. The door is under the main stairs.

Do NOT attempt to set up your account before Monday of the first week. If you add the course, wait an hour or so after you add the class before setting up your account.

To set up your account use hello as the user name and no password. Enter the information required there. Remember your login ID and password.

Create a folder

Now, log in using your new account. You need to build a folder to put the pages in. Put the folder in the H: drive. You have an H: drive on the server, which you can access from any CIS Lab computer you use.

I suggest you name the folder public_html. The name public_html is the name of the directory we must use on our Internet server, so it is good to use the same directory name in your H: drive.

Please build your public_html folder in your H: drive now.