Lab 3 - Colorful historical

Lab 3 objective

In this assignment, you will add some color to your page.
You will also set up an index for your web pages.

Build your web page

Make a copy of your lab2.html. Rename the copy as lab3.html

Build an internal style sheet. To do this put a <style>   </style> container within your <head>   </head> container.

Within your style container, specify the background for the body as a light lemon yellow with a black text color.
Within your style container, specify the background for every paragraph as a very light pink with a dark green text color.

Within the last paragraph tag, put an inline style. To do this use a style attribute: style="put the style stuff here".
Within the value of this style attribute, specify the background for this paragraph as a very light sky blue, with a dark maroon text color.

I suggest you use trial and error to guess the color numbers for these colors. That will give you more of a feel for how color numbers work, rather than just copying a color number from a color table.

index page

Build a page named index.html
The name must be spelled exactly index.html all in lower case letters.

Put your name at the top of the page. If you do not wish to put your full name, provide enough of your name, including your last name, so we can easily identify which student you are in this class.

In your index.html page make a list of your lab assignments.
Each entry should be a link to the corresponding lab page.
It should look somewhat like the following list.
This list does not actually link to anything, yours should have links.

Lab1. A first page
Lab2. Martha Washington
Lab3. Colorful Martha Washington

These links are from your index.html page to your other pages in the same directory.
To make this link, within the same directory, you do NOT need to go across the Internet.
So do not type   http://   Instead, just use the name of the web page file:
<a href="lab1.html">

At the bottom of each lab page, lab1.html lab2.html lab3.html put a link to your index.html page.
This makes it easy to get back to your index.html page from anywhere in your web site.

When you complete all later labs and projects, add them to you index, and put a link from the bottom of each page back to the index.

Look at your web pages

To show your new page in your web browser at home, type the location:


To show your new page in your web browser at school, type the location:
