Quotes, br, and hr sample

These elements are contained in the body of the page:
  <q><i>Look!</i></q> <i><q>Look!</q></i>
  This paragraph is outside the blockquote.
  <p >
    This is the first line in the first paragraph within the 
    blockquote; it is followed by a <code>br</code> tag.
    <br />
    This sentence is after the <code>br</code> tag.
  <hr />
    This paragraph follows an <code>hr</code> tag.
    It is rather longer, so you can see the width 
    of the blockquote.
    This text is meaningless filler.
    Mary had a little lamb.
    Jack jump over the candlestick.
    Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow.
  This paragraph is outside the blockquote.
  It is also rather longer, so you can see the full width 
  outside the blockqoute.
  This text is meaningless filler.
  Mary had a little lamb.
  Jack jump over the candlestick.
  Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow.

The Look! examples show the quote (q) and also the Italic (i) containers.
In the first Look! example, the Italic container is inside the quote container.
In the second Look! example, the quote container is inside the Italic container.
Be careful about the order of the closing tags; one container must be within the other container; close the inner container first.

Actually, the i element is not used much anymore. Style sheets are used for italic instead. I used it here as a good example of how the closing tags must be ordered when there is one element inside another.

Look! Look!

This paragraph is outside the blockquote.

This is the first line in the first paragraph within the blockquote; it is followed by a br tag.
This sentence is after the br tag.

This paragraph follows an hr tag. It is rather longer, so you can see the width of the blockquote. This text is meaningless filler. Mary had a little lamb. Jack jump over the candlestick. Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow.

This paragraph is outside the blockquote. It is also rather longer, so you can see the full width outside the blockqoute. This text is meaningless filler. Mary had a little lamb. Jack jump over the candlestick. Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow.

The first Look! quotation is from the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets page 138.