Lab 5 - History with text style

Lab 5 objective

In this assignment, you will modify the plain lab 4, to add text styles.
You will also move the styles to a css file.

Build your web page

Make a copy of your lab4.html page. Name it lab5.html
Modify your lab5.html page by making the following changes and additions.

  • Put a level 2 heading at the top of the page, giving the topic for your page.
  • Use style rules within your style container in the head to accomplish these items:
    • Make all the text in the body Arial, or if that is not available, Helvetica, or as a last resort sans-serif.
    • Make the text in the short quote bold.
  • Be sure to provide links between your index page and your lab5 page.

Move all your styles to a css file

It is good to have your Cascading Style Sheet (css) styles in a different page than yout html elements. There are many reasons for this; the most important is that it allows you to use the same style file with many web pages.

Review in week 3 the section on External Styles with the example of External Styles given there.

Make sure all your styles are within the style container in the head of your web page, ready to be moved to a new style sheet page.

  • Create a new file named lab5.css.
  • Move all the contents from the style element to this new lab5.css file. Do not move the style tags, just the contents.
  • Remove the style element from your html file.
  • Add in the head of your html file:
      <link rel="stylesheet"