A copy of the JavaScript functions in the head element:
// sample-2-checkboxes-processing.js
// This sample shows processing of checkboxes after they have been set.
// onload set the body's color and background color, and reset each checkbox
function loaded()
// reset division colors
var my_div = document.getElementById("my-div");
my_div.style.color = "green";
my_div.style.backgroundColor = "white";
// reset checked in each checkbox
var my_border_checkbox = document.getElementById("my-border-checkbox");
my_border_checkbox.checked = false;
var my_background_checkbox = document.getElementById("my-background-checkbox");
my_background_checkbox.checked = false;
var my_color_checkbox = document.getElementById("my-color-checkbox");
my_color_checkbox.checked = false;
// onclick Execute changes button will process the checkboxes
function my_execute_changes()
var my_div = document.getElementById("my-div");
// set background to gray if checked, otherwise set background to white
var my_background_checkbox = document.getElementById("my-background-checkbox");
my_div.style.backgroundColor = "#cccccc";
my_div.style.backgroundColor = "white";
// set border style to dashed if checked, otherwise set border style to double
var my_border_checkbox = document.getElementById("my-border-checkbox");
my_div.style.borderStyle = "dashed";
my_div.style.borderStyle = "double";
// set color to red if checked, otherwise set color to black
var my_color_checkbox = document.getElementById("my-color-checkbox");
my_div.style.color = "red";
my_div.style.color = "black";