Client-Side Programming with JavaScript
Unit 21 - Top level objects (week 10)
McDuffie - Chapter 2 Writing
Scripts with JavaScript -
Section The Document Object Model
Quigley - Chapter 10
The Browser Objects:
Navigator, Windows, and
Opening statement
The Document Object Model - McDuffie page 20
JavaScript by Example, by Ellie Quigley,
2003, Prentice Hall ISBN 0-13-140162-9
JavaScript , The Definitive Guide, Fifth Edition by David Flanagan,
2006, O'Reilly ISBN-13: 978-0-596-10199-2
Opening statement
We have been using the Document Object Model.
The Document Object is one of the important objects in the overall model.
The overall model is called the Browser Object Model.
Browser Object Model
At the top of the Browser Object Model (BOM) is a Window object.
The other most important Objects can be accessed from properties of a Window object. These properties contain references to the other important Objects.
These are:
Object type property description
Other Window objects self Refers to the current window (itself) - read-only
window Same as self
parent The window or frame containing this window - read-only
top The top window containing this window - read-only
parent and top are used with framesets.
If the current window is the top window in a frameset,
parent and top refer to the current window.
Navigator navigator Refers to the navigation (browser) - read only
Frame frames[] An array of references to the frames in the window
Document document The Document object, which is our XHTML document
The Document object is the top level object in the
Document Object Model (DOM).
History history Refers to the History Object for the browser - read-only
Location location Refers to the location
The location is the URL requested when this page was loaded. It may not be this page, in cases where the page load was redirected. Changing this value will load a new page.
Screen screen Refers to the Screen object - read-only
Opening Window opener Refers to the window that opened this window -
read-only reference means that the reference cannot be changed. The object it refers to can be changed.
navigator object
There is only one navigator object.
It has properties that describe the browser and its characteristics.
Some of these properties are:
navigator.appName a read-only reference
the value is "Netscape" for browsers based on Netscape Navigator
several browsers use this
the value is "Microsoft Internet Explorer" for IE
navigator.platform a read-only reference
some values are "Win32", "MacPPC", and "Linux i586".
et cetera.
Each window object contains a reference to the one navigator object.
window object
There is a window object for each browser window.
There is also a window object for each tab, if tabs are used by the browser.
There is also a window for each frame and each iframe, if frames or iframes are used.
The current window is the default, so window. is usually not coded.
window properties include:
window.document a read-only reference
the value refers to the document ( page ) loaded in the window.
the optional name, which can be given to a window when it is created.
read-only references:
the values refer to the other three main objects,
which are the children of the window object
et cetera
frames object array
The frames parameter is a reference to an array of window objects.
Each window object is the model for one frame or iframe contained directly in this window. Each of these frame objects may contain additional frames and iframes.
document object
We have been working with the document object.
It contains
document.defaultView a read-only reference
refers to the window containing the document
( View means window in DOM terminology )
document.CSSStyleSheet[] an array
references to all the style sheets,
in style elements and referred to in link elements
document.documentElement a read-only reference
refers to the root element of the document
( this is the element that contains all other elements in the page )
( for an html document this is the html element )
All the other elements in the page are descendents of the root element
et cetera
There are many useful methods for the document element including:
et cetera
history object
The history object has methods to go forward or back in the history of visited pages:
location object
The location object has properties describing the current URL and other things about the current page's source.
location properties:
document.location.href can be changed to load a new page
et cetera
other properties are read only.
location methods:
document.location.reload() reload current page
document.location.replace() replace with a new page
screen object
Properties describing the screen:
availHeight availWidth pixel size of a full screen browser
height width total size including task bar and other stuff
colorDepth bits per pixel, to contain color information.
We have seen some of the Document Object Model.
We have seen the top level objects:
- navigator (browser)
- window
- document
- history
- location
This is just a start at understanding the Document Object Model.
The Document Object Model can be used to change the content of the current page.
Change the model, and the browser will change the page to match.
This allows dynamic changes in web pages;
but that is another course.
In this course we have learned most of the JavaScript language, and a little of the Document Object Model. The primary useful activity that is done with this skill set is to validate forms. It is widely used for this.
Our knowledge of JavaScript and a little of the Document Object Model provides a basis to learn two additional sets of skills, with their related capabilities.
1) JavaScript and a little DOM - validate forms
2) JavaScript and DOM - dynamic web pages
3) JavaScript, some of the DOM, and the httpXMLRequest object
- this is
- this allows asynchronous updating of the material in a web page,
without reloading the web page
I think