CIS 89C  Client-Side Programming with JavaScript


Unit 5 - Expressions and statements (week 3)




McDuffie - Chapter 4 Expressions and Statements




Opening statement

Expressions and statements - McDuffie page 107

Operators - McDuffie page 109

String operators - McDuffie page 110

Mathematical operators - McDuffie page 112

Assignment operators - McDuffie page 114

Comparison operators - McDuffie page 115

Equal and equivalent operators - McDuffie page 116

Logical operators - McDuffie page 117

The conditional operator - McDuffie page 118

The comma operator - Pollock page 119

Special operators - McDuffie page 119- Pollock page 119

Functions - McDuffie page 120




Opening statement


Expressions and statements are not much different than many other programming languages.




Expressions and statements


An expression is a valid sequence of literals, variables, operators, function calls, and smaller included expressions.  An expression evaluates to a single value.


A statement is an expression followed by a semicolon or the end of the line of code.  I suggest you end statements with both a semicolon and the end of the line.






Operators may be:


Unary - one operator followed by one operand

Example: ! flag    // the ! is the logical not operator

Binary - two operands, with one operator between them

Example: a + b

Postfix - one operator after one operand

Example: a-- + b // decrement a after the expression has been evaluated

for a + b

Ternary - There is only one ternary operator

Example: a > b ? a : b          // if a > b is true, the value is a, otherwise the value of the expression is b.


The McDuffie book lumps unary and postfix together, and only mentions the ternary operator later.

The Pollock book does not discuss string operators.




String operators


There are two string operators.


The + operator

The + operator concatenates two strings together


"Hello" + " " + "there"

This evaluates to:

"Hello there"


The += operator

The += operator concatenates one string to another.


x = "hello";

y = "there";

x += y;

The += operator takes the value out of x, concatenates the value of y, and puts the result back in x.  So, after this operation, the value of x is:




Mathematical operators


var a = 5;

var b = 3;


Binary mathematical operators:


add:                a + b            evaluates to 8

subtract:         a - b            evaluates to 2

multiply:          a * b            evaluates to 15

divide:             b / a            evaluates to 0.6 (Always floating point)

modulus:         a % b            evaluates to 2

(Integer quotient 1 and floating point remainder 2.0)

                        5.5 % 3.3  evaluates to 2.2

(Integer quotient 1 and floating point remainder 2.2)


Unary minus:              -a       evaluates to -5


Unary (prefix) ++ and --

++a                                         evaluates to 6

++a                                         evaluates to 7

--a                                           evaluates to 6

The prefix increment of decrement changes the value of the variable before the expression is evaluated.


Postfix ++ and --

x = 7;

a++                evaluates to 7

a                                              evaluates to 8

a--                                         evaluates to 8

a                                              evaluates to 7

The postfix increment and decrement change the value after the expression is evaluated.



Assignment operators


var x;

x = 26;

The simple assignment takes the value of the right hand expression and saves that value in the variable specified as the left hand operand.


There are also a group of operators that:

1) take the value from the left hand variable

2) use that value with an operation and the left hand expression

3) save the result as the value of the left hand variable


These operators are:

+=       both the string and the mathematical +








var x = 5;

x  -= 2;

Now the value of x is 3


var w = "soda";

w += "pop";

The value of w is now "sodapop".


Note that the left hand operand must always be a place to put the value, such as a variable.  The left hand operand must have an initial value, before doing the assignment.


The right hand operand is an expression, which produces the value to be saved.



Relational comparison operators


These operators are:


>          greater than

>=       greater than or equal to

<          less than

<=       less than or equal to


The result is a Boolean value, true or false.


You can compare the value of numbers.


5 < 6            is true


You can also compare strings.


"a" < "b"  is true because the ASCII value for a is 97, which is less than

the ASCII value for b, which is 98.


"B" < "a"  is true because the ASCII value for capital B is 66.

                        Case does make a difference.


"aaat" < "aaax"           Is true.  If the first characters are the same,

look at the second character. then the third, et cetera.


Otherwise matching shorter strings are less than longer strings.


"red" < "redder"         is true.



Equal and equivalent operators


There are two operators that test the value of operands.


==       equal

!=       not equal


5 == 5         is true


There are two operands that test that the type and value are the same.


===     type and value the same (equivalent)

!==     type and/or value not the same


5 === 5       is true, both the value and the type are the same


5 == "5"    is true, both have the value of "5"

                        == does not test the type.


5 === "5"  is false, the types do not match



Logical operators


&&       logical AND, true only if both operands are true.

||       logical OR, true if either operand is true

otherwise the result is false


!          logical NOT is a unary operator




true && true      is true

true && false    is false

true || false    is true

!false                     is true


As in other languages, when evaluating && or ||, the right hand expression is not evaluated, if the result is already determined by the left hand operand.




false && (a = 14)      The first operand is false, so the result is false.

                                                The second operand is not evaluated,

                                                so a is not set to 14.

Similarly for

true || (a = 14)        The first operand is true, so the result is true.


Most programmers are careful not to put an assignment in the right hand operand, so the operation is not dependent on how the logical operator is evaluated. 


Perl programmers tend do put an assignment in the right hand operand.

They carefully use the evaluation process of logical operators.

(Perl programmers are real Geeks.)



The conditional operator


There is only one operator that takes three operands.

Because it takes thee operands, it is often called the ternary operator.


logical_value ? true_value : false_value


If the first operand is true, the value of the whole expression is the value of the second operand.

If the first operand is false, the value of the whole expression is the value of the third operand.



The comma operator


A comma can be used as a weak semicolon.

The expression to the left of the comma is evaluated.

The expression to the right of the comma is evaluated.

The resulting value for the whole expression is the value from the expression to the right of the comma.


The comma operator is used in the for operator, where you want two expressions, but do not want a semicolon.



Special operators


We will learn about most of these later.


delete             deletes an array or object

new                 creates a new array or object

this                  refers to the current object.  This is VERY DIFFERENT than C++

typeof              we saw this earlier.  It gives the type of anything.

void                 allows an expression to be evaluated and no return value


The following are from Pollock page 119.


We will study objects later


in                     The left hand operand is a string, or something else which can be

converted into a string (almost everything in JavaScript will return a string when needed).  It is the name of a property

The right hand operand is an object or an array.

returns true if the left hand operand is the name of a property of

the object or array which is the left hand operand.


The following discussion of instanceof will make some sense if you understand objects and class.  If it does not make any sense to you, ignore it until later.


instanceof      returns true if the left hand operand is an object that

was created by the function that is named in the

right hand operand.


NOTE: there are no real classes in JavaScript.

Objects created by the same constructor function are sometimes

called members of the same class, even thought they may not

have the same properties.


NOTE: classes are inherited, so an object can be a member of a class and also be a member of the parent and ancestor classes.






Functions are similar to functions in other languages, with some differences.




function sayHello()





You can invoke this function with.




The sayHello() function will run and display an alert box that says "hello".


Notice that when we declare a function, you must use the keyword function.




A function may have parameters.

Like variables, parameters have NO type.




function saySomething(it)


  alert("The word is: " + it);



You can invoke this function with.


saySomething("What's up Doc?");


The saySomething() function will run and display an alert box that says

"The word is: What's up Doc?"


Default parameters


You may often omit trailing arguments.


Example (same function):


function saySomething(it)


  alert("The word is: " + it);



You can invoke this function with.




The saySomethint() function will run and display an alert box that says

"The word is: undefined"


To use this effectively, you need to provide some default value in the function.


Return values


A function may return a value.




function add(x, y)


  return x + y;



var result = add(3, 4);



This will display 7.


Note that the existence of or type of the returned value are not specified.






Precedent determines the order of execution.


For example, in math:


3 + 4 * 3 evaluates to 15 (not 21)

because the multiply is done before add


In JavaScript there is also precedent among the operators.


The table of precedence is in Mc Duffie and Pollock.

It is similar to other languages.






We have seen a lot about operations, and some about functions.

Fortunately, most of it is similar to other programming languages.




==        tests for equal value

===     tests for equal value and the same type


You must use the function keyword before the definition of a function.

Trailing parameters may often be omitted.

Functions may, or may not, return a value.


%         Can be used with floating point or integer numbers.

An integer quotient is computed, and the floating point remainder is the result.


+          Can be used to concatenate two stings

+=        Can be used to append the second string to the first operand string.


Statements end with a semicolon or the end of the line.

It is best to use both.