The Many Ways to Make a Simple Table
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use CGI qw(:standard);
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); # Makes die work acceptably! Very important!!
@headers = ("State", "City", "High Temperature", "Low Temperature");
@rows = ("Oregon,Tillamook,77,65", "Nevada,Tonopah,95,64",
"South Dakota,Rapid City,88,57", "Nevada,Reno,90,48",
"Arizona,Gila Bend,113");
print header, start_html;
push(@lines, th(\@headers));
foreach $row (@rows)
($state, $city, $high, $low) = split /,/, $row;
push(@lines, td({-align => 'center'}, [$state,$city,$high,$low]));
print table({-rules => 'all'}, Tr(\@lines));
##### or ...
@lines = ();
push(@lines, th(\@headers));
foreach $row (@rows)
($state, $city, $high, $low) = split /,/, $row;
push(@lines, Tr(td({-align => 'center'}, [$state,$city,$high,$low])));
print table({-rules => 'all'}, @lines);
##### or ...
@lines = ();
push(@lines, th(\@headers));
foreach $row (@rows)
($state, $city, $high, $low) = split /,/, $row;
$thisrow = "";
foreach $field ($state, $city, $high, $low)
$thisrow .= td({-align => 'center'}, $field);
push(@lines, Tr($thisrow));
print table({-rules => 'all'}, @lines);