Radio Button Demo: Output After Form
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use Cwd;
use CGI qw(:standard);
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

print header;
print start_html("User chooses from a mutually exclusive group!");

print start_form(),
      "Get one of the following: ",
      radio_group(-name => 'pick_one',
                     -value => ['time', 'listing of current directory', 
                                'name of current directory'])
      , p, reset(-name => 'Reset'), submit(-name => 'Submit'), end_form;

if (param('pick_one'))
     ($choice) = param('pick_one');  #  Parens around $choice NECESSARY!!
     if ($choice eq "time") {print scalar(localtime(time)), "\n"}
     elsif ($choice eq "listing of current directory") 
         opendir(D, ".") or die "Cannot open current directory!\n";
         @files = sort readdir D;
         print  ol(li(\@files));
         closedir D;
     else {print p(cwd())}  #  cwd() gives current working directory!
else {print p("No request yet made!")}
print end_html;