Making Your Own Libraries: Perl Modules
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
########################### Module Demonstration ########################
use lib ("$ENV{HOME}/perl/junk"); # Add to @INC search path array!
# unshift(@INC, "$ENV{HOME}/perl/junk");
##### } #### Does same thing as use lib above!!
foreach $dir (@INC) # Print out search paths in @INC.
print "$dir\n";
print "\n";
use pkg; # In $ENV{HOME}/perl/junk
use newpkg; # In $ENV{HOME}/perl/junk
pkg::mysub1(); # You can fully qualify sub calls in packages.
pkg::mysub2(); # Later, we'll see that this is not usually necessary!
################# Do I always need package_name::name?? ###################
################# Answer: no, unless their are name ###################
################# conflicts between multiple packages! ###################
use string;
$var = "Hello. I am Mister Ed.\n";
$var = clean $var ; # Notice -- no qualification of name "clean"!
$var = encrypt $var; # Notice -- no qualification of name "encrypt"!
print "\n$var\n";
#################### End of Module-Using Program #######################
####################### Contents Below ##########################
package pkg;
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&mysub1 &mysub2); # &'s are purely cosmetic.
sub mysub1 { print "Pkg mysub1 function.\n"; }
sub mysub2 { print "Pkg mysub2 function.\n"; }
1; # All modules MUST end with a true expression -- hence 1;
######################## Contents Below ###########################
package newpkg;
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&newsub1 &newsub2); ###### &'s are purely cosmetic.
sub newsub1 { print "Newpkg newsub1 function.\n"; }
sub newsub2 { print "Newpkg newsub2 function.\n"; }
########################## Contents Below #########################
package string;
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&clean &encrypt); ###### &'s are purely cosmetic.
sub clean
my ($string) = @_;
$string = uc($string);
$string =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
$string =~ s/\s+/ /g;
return $string;
sub encrypt
my ($string) = @_;
my ($result, $char) = ("");
foreach $char (split //, $string) # Empty split delimiter!
$result .= chr(ord($char) + 2) unless $char =~ /\s/;
$result .= $char if $char =~ /\s/;
return $result;
########################### Program Output Below ############################
/mnt/diska/staff/jwp2286/perl/junk # Here's the search paths in @INC.
. # Notice that current directory is always in @INC.
Pkg mysub1 function.
Pkg mysub2 function.
Newpkg newsub1 function.
Newpkg newsub2 function.
JGNNQ0 K CO OKUVGT GF0 # My clean'ed, encrypt'ed string!