Review of Basic References
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
######################### Elementary Reference Demo ########################
# Parameter passing. Arrays and hashes should generally be passed to
# subs by REFERENCE so that only an ADDRESS is copied and not entire
# arrays/hashes which can be quite large! When passing multiple
# arrays/hashes, passing by reference is necessary so that the arrays
# or hashes keep their separate identities in memory!
@L1 = (1,3,5);
@L2 = (2,4,6);
swap(\@L1, \@L2);
foreach (@L1) {print "$_\n"} # Output 1
print "\n";
foreach (@L2) {print "$_\n"} # Output 2
print "\n";
sub swap
my ($rl1, $rl2) = @_;
my (@temp);
@temp = @$rl1;
@$rl1 = @$rl2;
@$rl2 = @temp;
# Making a list in a sub and passing it back by reference.
$listref = make_list();
foreach (@$listref) {print "$_\n"} # Output 3
sub make_list
my ($listref) = []; # Reference to an anonymous, empty list.
push(@$listref, 1..5);
return $listref;
# Using the -> operator when referencing one element of a list.
@L1 = (1,3,5,9,7);
@L2 = (4,2,6,8,9);
$dot_product = dot_product(\@L1, \@L2);
print "Dot product = $dot_product\n\n";
sub dot_product
my ($rl1, $rl2) = @_;
my ($product) = (0);
return 0 if @$rl1 != @$rl2; # Lengths of arrays must be the same!!
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$rl1; $i++)
$product += $rl1->[$i] * $rl2->[$i]; # -> gets a scalar!!
return $product;
# Passing hashes by reference and accessing their elements.
%H1 = qw(a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4);
%H2 = qw(c 7 d 8 f 5 h 7);
add_values_of_common_keys_to_H1(\%H1, \%H2);
foreach $key (sort keys %H1) # Output 4
print "$key: $H1{$key}\n"; # c value should now be 10 and d should be 12!
print "\n";
sub add_values_of_common_keys_to_H1
my ($rh1, $rh2) = @_;
my ($key);
foreach $key (keys %$rh1)
$rh1->{$key} += $rh2->{$key} if exists $rh2->{$key};
# Creating a hash in a sub and passing it back by reference.
$hashref = make_hash();
foreach $key (sort keys %$hashref)
print "$key: $hashref->{$key}\n"; # Output 5
sub make_hash
my ($hashref) = {}; # {} is reference to an anonymous hash.
foreach ('A'..'E')
$hashref->{$_} = ord($_);
return $hashref;
################################# Program Output ############################
2 # Output 1
1 # Output 2
1 # Output 3
Dot product = 175
a: 1 # Output 4
b: 2
c: 10
d: 12
A: 65 # Output 5
B: 66
C: 67
D: 68
E: 69
######################## List of Reference Parameters #####################
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
@L1 = qw(1 2 3 4 5); @L2 = qw(2 4 6 8 10);
@L3 = qw(1 3 5 7 9); @L4 = qw(5 4 3 2 1);
output_rows(\@L1, \@L2, \@L3, \@L4); # List of list references!
sub output_rows
my (@ListOfListRefs) = @_; # Works for any number of references!
my ($ref);
foreach $ref (@ListOfListRefs) {print "@$ref\n"}
%H1 = qw(1 2 3 4); %H2 = qw(2 4 6 8 9 7); %H3 = qw(1 3 5 7);
dump_keys(\%H1, \%H2, \%H3); # List of hash references!!
sub dump_keys
my (@ListOfHashRefs) = @_; # Works for any number of references!!
my ($ref);
$, = " "; # Dumps unquoted lists with space between elements!
foreach $ref (@ListOfHashRefs) {print keys(%$ref), "\n"}
################################ Output Below #############################
1 2 3 4 5 # Dump of list of lists.
2 4 6 8 10
1 3 5 7 9
5 4 3 2 1
1 3 # Dump of list of hash.
9 2 6
1 5