CIS 35A: Introduction to Java Programming

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Synchronize threads
wait and notifyAll methods

Methods of the Object class for thread communication

Method Description
wait() Places the current thread in the Waiting state until another thread calls the notify or notifyAll method of the current object. This relinquishes the lock on the object so that other blocked threads can run. Throws InterruptedException.
notify() Returns an arbitrary thread to the Runnable state.
notifyAll() Returns all threads to the Runnable state so the scheduler can select one to run.

Code that waits on a condition

while (orderQueue.count() == 0)
                    // if there are no orders ready, wait
    catch (InterruptedException e) {}

Code that satisfies the condition and notifies other threads

orderQueue.add(order);       // add an order to the queue
notifyAll();                 // notify other threads
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