CIS 35A: Introduction to Java Programming

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Objects and Classes
Product class

The Product class

import java.text.NumberFormat;

public class Product
    // the instance variables
    private String code;
    private String description;
    private double price;

    // the constructor
    public Product()
        code = "";
        description = "";
        price = 0;

    // the set and get accessors for the code variable
    public void setCode(String code)
        this.code = code;
    public String getCode()
        return code;

    // the set and get accessors
    // for the description variable
    public void setDescription(String description)
        this.description = description;
    public String getDescription()
        return description;

    // the set and get accessors for the price variable
    public void setPrice(double price)
        this.price = price;
    public double getPrice()
        return price;

    // a custom get accessor for the price variable
    public String getFormattedPrice()
        NumberFormat currency = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
        return currency.format(price);

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