CIS 35A: Introduction to Java Programming

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How to code an interface

  • Declaring an interface is similar to declaring a class except that you use the interface keyword instead of the class keyword.
  • In an interface, all methods are automatically declared public and abstract, and all constants are automatically declared public, static, and final, so the access modifiers are optional.
  • Interface methods can't be static.

The syntax for declaring an interface

public interface InterfaceName
    type CONSTANT_NAME = value;               // declares a field
    returnType methodName([parameterList]);   // declares a method

An interface that defines one method

public interface Printable
    void print();

An interface that defines three methods

public interface ProductWriter
    boolean addProduct(Product p);
    boolean updateProduct(Product p);
    boolean deleteProduct(Product p);

An interface that defines constants

public interface DepartmentConstants
    int ADMIN = 1;
    int EDITORIAL = 2;
    int MARKETING = 3;

A tagging interface with no members

public interface Cloneable
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