Collections and Generics
LinkedList class
Chain of nodes
A class Chain creates a chain of Node objects such that each Node holds a String entered via the console.
import java.util.*; public class Chain { private class Node // a class declared within Chain, an inner class { private String data; private Node next; public Node() // default constructor { data = ""; next = null; } public Node(String s) // one argument constructor { data = s; next = null; } } private Node front; // holds the address of the first node of the chain public Chain() // constructor builds a chain { Scanner input = new Scanner(; String name; Node q, r; System.out.print("Enter name -- Pressto signal end of data: "); name = input.nextLine(); // create the first node front = new Node(name); q = front; // front and q both reference the first node System.out.print("Enter name: "); name = input.nextLine(); while (!name.equals("")) { r = new Node(name); // get a new node = r; // link the previous node to the new node q = r; // move q to the "new" node System.out.print("Enter name: "); name = input.nextLine(); } } public void printChain() { Node q = front; // q references the first node in the chain System.out.println("\nThe names in the chain of nodes are: "); while (q!=null) { System.out.println(; q =; // move q to the next node in the chain } } public static void main(String[] args) { Chain chain = new Chain(); chain.printChain(); } }