CIS 35A: Introduction to Java Programming

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Exceptions handling
Throws clause

The syntax for the declaration of a method that throws exceptions

modifiers returnType methodName([parameterList])
    throws exceptionList {}

How to use the throws clause

  • To throw a checked exception up to the calling method, you code a throws clause in the method declaration.
  • The throws clause must name each checked exception that's thrown up to the calling method.
  • Although you can specify unchecked exceptions in the throws clause, the compiler doesn't force you to handle unchecked exceptions.

A method that throws IOException

public static long getFileLength() throws IOException
    RandomAccessFile in =
        new RandomAccessFile("books.dat", "r");
    long length = in.length();
    return length;

A method that calls getFileLength and catches IOException

public static int getRecordCount()
        long length = getFileLength(); // can throw IOException
        int recordCount = (int) (length / RECORD_SIZE);
        return recordCount;
    catch (IOException e)
        System.out.println("An IO error occurred.");
        return 0;

Code that calls getFileLength without catching IOException

public static int getRecordCount() throws IOException
    long length = getFileLength(); // can throw IOException
    int recordCount = (int) (length / RECORD_SIZE);
    return recordCount;

Compiler error generated if you don't catch or throw a checked exception

\java 1.5\examples\ch13\ unreported exception; must be caught or declared to be thrown
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