CIS 35A: Introduction to Java Programming

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Inheritance hierarchy for Swing components

The Component hierarchy

A summary of the classes in the Component hierarchy

Class Description
Component An abstract base class that defines any object that can be displayed.
Container An abstract class that defines any component that can contain other components.
Window The AWT class that defines a window without a title bar or border.
Frame The AWT class that defines a window with a title bar and border.
JFrame The Swing class that defines a window with a title bar and border.
JComponent A base class for Swing components such as JPanel, JButton, JLabel, and JTextField.
JPanel The Swing class that defines a panel, which is used to hold other components.
JLabel The Swing class that defines a label.
JTextField The Swing class that defines a text field.
JButton The Swing class that defines a button.
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