CIS 35A: Introduction to Java Programming

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Text and Binary Files
Binary files
Write to a binary file

Common methods of the DataOutput interface

Method Throws Description
writeBoolean(boolean) IOException Writes a 1-byte boolean value to the output stream.
writeInt(int) IOException Writes a 4-byte int value.
writeDouble(double) IOException Writes an 8-byte double value.
writeChar(int) IOException Writes a 2-byte char value.
writeChars(String) IOException Writes a string using 2 bytes per character.
writeUTF(String) IOException Writes a 2-byte value for the number of bytes in the string followed by the UTF representation of the string.

Methods of the DataOutputStream class

Method Throws Description
size() None Returns an int for the number of bytes written to this stream.
flush() IOException Flushes any data that's in the buffer to the file.
close() IOException Flushes any data that's in the buffer to the file and closes the stream.

Code that writes data to a binary file

// write a Product object to the file

// flush data to the file and close the output stream
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