Setup voyager account at school

All CIS students can use the CIS lab at De Anza. The CIS Lab is in room AT 203 in the Advanced Technology Center building. It is on the main floor. The door is under the main stairs.

The CIS Lab is not functional on Monday of the first week. Do NOT attempt to set up your voyager account before Tuesday of the first week.
If you add the course,
wait until TWO days
after you add the class before setting up your voyager account.

Go in the door of the CIS lab; turn left; look for the rack of handouts that is just past the CIS service counter. Take the purple page that says "How to get an account on voyager". Use one of the computers in pods that have flower pots and set up your voyager account.
If it disappears before you get it written down, do it again.
You do NOT need to login to your own account; stop after step 3.

Wait 15 minutes for the system to get your account set up, before continuing.
( Sometimes it takes a little longer. )

Modified: July 29, 2005