Intalling Windows 7
Unattended Installation
Windows System Image Manager
- the Windows System Image Manager (WSIM) allows you to create and modify answer files that are used for unattended installations. Common tasks you can perform with WSIM include:
- Create or update an answer file
- Add device drivers or applications to an answer file
- Create a configuration set
- Apply offline updates to a Windows image
- WSIM allows you to create an answer file to control the installation of Windows. Below are the required settings for unattended installation.
- You must create a distribution share to hold a copy of device drivers you are installing. Distribution share contains the following two folders for updating drivers:
- $OEM$
- Out-of-Box Drivers
- A configuration set as a subset of files in a distribution share that are required for a particular answer file. It is best to use a configuration set when workstations cannot access the distribution share.
- Offline updates as software packages containing drivers, service packs, or security updates that are applied to an image during the offlineServicing configuration pass of the installation.
Configuration Pass | Setting | Description |
windowsPE | Microsoft-Windows-International-Core- WinPE | UILanguage | The default language used for the installed operating system. |
windowsPE | Microsoft-Windows-International-Core- WinPE | SetupUILanaguage | UILanguage | The default language used during Windows Setup |
windowsPE | Microsoft-Windows-Setup | UserData | AcceptEula | Accepts the license agreement. |
windowsPE | Microsoft-Windows-Setup | UserData | Product Key | Key | The Windows 7 Product Key. Does not prevent asking for the key during the specialize configuration pass. |
windowsPE | Microsoft-Windows-Setup | ImageInstall | OSImage | InstallToAvailablePartition | Installs Windows to the first available partition. Alternatively, you can specify the disk and partition to install to by using other settings. |
specialize | Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | ProductKey | The product key used for activation. |
specialize | Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | ComputerName | The computer name for the Windows installation. To generate a random computer name set this value to *. |
oobeSystem | Microsoft-Windows-International-Core | InputLocale | The default input locale for the Windows installation. |
oobeSystem | Microsoft-Windows-International-Core | SystemLocale | The default system locale for the Windows installation. |
oobeSystem | Microsoft-Windows-International-Core | UILanguage | The default UI language for the Windows installation. |
oobeSystem | Microsoft-Windows-International-Core | UserLocale | The default user locale for the Windows installation. |
oobeSystem | Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | OOBE | HideEULAPage Avoids displaying the license agreement. oobeSystem Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | UserAccounts | The user accounts that are created during installation. |
oobeSystem | Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | UserAccounts | AdministratorPassword | Specifies the password for the local Administrator account. |
oobeSystem | Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | ProtectYourPC | The protection level of the Windows installation (recommended, only important updates, disabled). |
oobeSystem | Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | TimeZone | The time zone of the Windows installation. |
oobeSystem | Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup | NetworkLocation | The network location of the computer (home, work, other). |