CIS 170F: Windows 7 Administration

Week 2

Intalling Windows 7
Planning Deployment
Planning High-Volume Deployment

The Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF) 4.0, available at, provides project management guidance and job aids based on the original Planning Guide in MDT 2008. In MOF 4.0, the Deliver phase uses the following:

  • Envision: The Envision SMF (Service Management Function) involves envisioning the deployment project and determining goals and ex-pected outcomes. The Envision SMF is largely a management exercise; you don't assemble full project teams until this phase is complete.

  • Project Planning: The Project Planning SMF serves as a transition between vision and implementation, laying the groundwork for the actual deployment. The Project Planning SMF uses the documents and processes created in the Envision SMF to add structure and content to the deployment plan.

  • Build: The Build SMF is the period during which the team builds and unit-tests the solution.

  • Stabilize: The Stabilize SMF addresses the testing of a solution that is feature-complete. This phase usually occurs when pilots are conducted, with an emphasis on real-world testing and with the goal of identifying, prioritizing, and fixing bugs.

  • Deploy: In the Deploy SMF, the team implements the solution and ensures that it is stable and usable.