CIS 35A: Introduction to Java Programming

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Compile classes

How to compile the classes in a user-defined package

  1. Make sure that the classes have all of the appropriate package and import statements.
  2. Start the command prompt and navigate to the directory that contains the package (the parent directory).
  3. Use the javac command to compile the classes. Be sure to include the subdirectories that correspond to the package name.
    • -d option places generated .class file in folder (d stands for directory). If you do not use the -d option, then you must move the compiled .class file to the correct package directory.


c:\parentDir>javac packagePath/


C:\java\lineItem>javac murach/business/

Compilation details

  • If you compile a class that uses another class in the same directory, both classes are compiled.
  • Before you compile a class that imports another class in the package, you must compile the class it imports.
  • Some Java tools can't compile a class that's in a package that depends on one or more classes in the same or in other user-defined packages. In that case, you need to use the javac command to compile the class.
  • If you're using DOS, you can use either front or back slashes to separate the names of the directories in the package and the name of the class file.
  • If you're using Linux, you must use front slashes as separators.
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