Application Support
Application Compatibility
Program Compatibility Assistant
- When an application is installed and run for the f rst time, Windows 7 automatically checks if the application has an issue. If Windows 7 recognizes that the application could not start, it will automatically launch the Program Compatibility Assistant the next time the same applica- tion is started and offer to fix the compatibility issues automatically. If the issues are deemed threatening to the Windows 7 operating system, the application may not be allowed to run at all. The user will be notified and directed to the Microsoft Website for further support and advice.
- The Program Compatibility Assistant is designed to make it easy for home users to adjust their legacy applications to work with Windows 7 without having to know a lot about compatibility settings.
- The most common trouble areas are a Windows OS version mistmatch, display issues, and insufficient permissions.
- The Program Compatibility Wizard will prompt the user to pick an operating system version that the application can work with.
- If video problems are reported, the wizard will ask the user which problems were noticed.

Read more about the Program Compatibility Assistant at: